Monday, 27 July 2009

Can do better

I have spent the past few days working on a small'ish painting of mock orange blossom. This is one of four small paintings I want to paint, in time for an Art Festival next Month. The idea being, to offer people a range of sizes. What I wanted to acheive was a beautifully composed and painted picture, with stunning colours, in a dreamy, twighlight, mysterious atmosphere, filled with the scent of orange blossom. Hmmm! What I ended up with was a very ordinary and boring painting. Not nearly good enough.

As I paint quite freely on larger canvas's, this change in scale means I need to compose a much simpler picture, if I am going to retain the same sense of freedom and spontaneity. The mistake I made was putting too much into a small area, focusing on painting details, and losing sight of the overal design, the bigger picture. When the composition is right, and you have that balance, everything else falls into place. So back to the drawing board for me, to put what I have learnt to good use.

I will post the paintings once they are right. Perhaps I should follow Husbands advice which was to make small prints from large paintings. Et voila!


  1. I agree with your husband Hani, I too struggle with small paintings though my originals arent that large (I guess this is relative) at 85cm square. The idea of smaller prints sounds like a good compromise.
    Where is your art show? I am doing the open studio in Northampton for the very first time and will be displaying my paintings in my gallery in Northampton.
    I'd like to do more shows in the coming months as this gives me the impetus to keep painting if nothing else.

  2. Hi Anne,

    I will be showing some work at the Worcester Art Festival, 22nd August. If that goes well, maybe look at some Christmas shows as well. Have you looked into co operative galleries at all? I am trying to find out more about them.

    Hope your exhibition goes well Anne. I agree it is good to have a focus for your painting. I always need to have something ahead, then something beyond that to aim for. Keep painting!

