Friday 12 February 2010

New painting

Last week I made a start on a new painting which I have continued to work on all week. It is one of series of ideas I am exploring. I have lost count of the number of times I have swung from thinking 'yes, it is going well' to 'No, it bloody well isn't' or words to that effect!.

Painting involves a sort of Alchemy. You take something elusive like an idea, retain it as fully as possible in your mind's eye, with all of its subtleties, passion, energy and colours, retain the feeling of every mark and brush stroke you want to make, then as if by magic, breathe it onto the canvas. Fresh, spontaneous, effortless.

Right now, painting is feeling like a wrestling match, and I am tempted to put my foot through the canvas. However, I've started so I'll finish. If I am not happy with it, I will take everything I have learn't and start again.

Have a good weekend.

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